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Use OriginPro to perform nonlinear surface fitting of data organized in XYZ worksheet columns, a matrix, or a virtual matrix. Select from over 20 surface functions or create your own function. For peak functions, find peaks using local maximum, partial derivative, or contour consolidation. Resul...
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Calculate numerous statistical functions on individual columns of data. Select a point on the graph and highlight the point in the worksheet. The number of data points the worksheet can handle is only limited by the amount of memory available on your computer (up to 1 billion rows x 1 billi...
Use OriginPro to perform nonlinear surface fitting of data organized in XYZ worksheet columns, a matrix, or a virtual matrix. Select from over 20 surface functions or create your own function. For peak functions, find peaks using local maximum, partial derivative, or contour consolidation. Resul...
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Graphing of Linear Equations Linear equations, also known as first-order degree equations, where the highest power of the variable is one. When an equation has one variable, it is known aslinear equationsin one variable. If the linear equations contain two variables, then it is known as linea...
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