Options include fitting up to 9th order polynomial, fixing intercept, finding new X/Y values from known Y/X values using the fit line, and fitting with Y errors. Origin supports Global Fitting with Parameter Sharing, where you can simultaneously fit multiple datasets with the same function ...
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Class scatter plots have variable symbols with separate properties. Symbol size, shape, and color can change depending on the value in your class column in your worksheet. Function Plots display mathematical functions. Plot Y as a function of X, or plot a parametric equation where X and Y are...
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Options include fitting up to 9th order polynomial, fixing intercept, finding new X/Y values from known Y/X values using the fit line, and fitting with Y errors. Origin supports Global Fitting with Parameter Sharing, where you can simultaneously fit multiple datasets with the same function ...
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5.1: Graphing Quadratic Functions Objectives: Students will be able to: Graph a quadratic function in standard, vertex, and intercept form. Write a quadratic function in standard form Find the vertex of a quadratic function on a graphing calculator...
Linear equations, also known as first-order degree equations, where the highest power of the variable is one. When an equation has one variable, it is known aslinear equationsin one variable. If the linear equations contain two variables, then it is known as linear equations in two variables...
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