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Function aplet 3-11 Plotting a piecewise-defined function Suppose you wanted to plot the following piecewise- defined function. ⎧ x+2 f(x) = ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ x2 4–x ;x ≤–1 ;–1 < x ≤ 1 ;x ≥ 1 1. Open the Function aplet. Select Function 2. Highlight the line you...
17-2 Graphing Piecewise Functions ... 17-4 Graphing Inequalities ... 17-5 Solving a System of Nonlinear Equations ... 17-6 Using a Program to Create the Sierpinski Triangle ... 17-7 Graphing Cobweb Attractors ... 17-8 Using a Program to Guess the Coefficients... 17-9 Graphing the U...
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Functions 315 Gradient at a Point 317 Gradient Function 318 The Chain Rule319 Optimization 319 Area Under Curves 320 Fields of Slopes and Curve Families 320 Inequalities321 Rectilinear Motion321 Limits321 Piecewise Defined Functions 322 Sequences and Series 322 Transformations of Graphs 323 Appendix C...
Function aplet 3-11 Plotting a piecewise-defined function Suppose you wanted to plot the following piecewise- defined function. x+2 f(x) = x2 4–x ;x ≤–1 ;–1 < x ≤ 1 ;x ≥ 1 1. Open the Function aplet. Select Function 2. Highlight the line you...
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