I start students in 2nd grade with a spreadsheet program. Here are some of the lessons I teach (available for free on Ask a Tech Teacher): Here are popular online resources to teach late elementary, Middle School, and High Schoolers how to graph: Canva–templates and graphing tools Chartgo...
Speed & Velocity Lesson Plan for Elementary School Recognizing Acceleration & Deceleration on Speed vs. Time Graphs Average Speed & Velocity: Lesson for Kids Acceleration: Definition & Concept Kinematic Equations of Motion | Formula, Derivation & Application Ticker Tape Diagrams: Analyzing Motion and Ac...
Print the dice download. Cut out the cube template. Color five sides of the cube to match the colors of the flower stickers. Create the cube and tape the tabs to hold the cube together. To prepare the graph: Draw a grid on the paper. Place one of each sticker at the bottom of each...
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