Cartesian, ternary, and polar coordinates are supported. Digitizing methods include manual or semi-automated operations. Multiple curves can be digitized, and points can be reordered and visualized in the result graphing and data worksheet. Data Exploration...
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Cartesian, ternary, and polar coordinates are supported. Digitizing methods include manual or semi-automated operations. Multiple curves can be digitized, and points can be reordered and visualized in the result graphing and data worksheet. Data Exploration...
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Cartesian, ternary, and polar coordinates are supported. Digitizing methods include manual or semi-automated operations. Multiple curves can be digitized, and points can be reordered and visualized in the result graphing and data worksheet. Data Exploration...
Cartesian, ternary, and polar coordinates are supported. Digitizing methods include manual or semi-automated operations. Multiple curves can be digitized, and points can be reordered and visualized in the result graphing and data worksheet. Data Exploration...