find_package(CorradeREQUIREDMain)add_executable(your-appWIN32main.cpp)# use WIN32 to hide the console windowtarget_link_libraries(your-appPRIVATECorrade::Main) See alsoDownloading and building CorradeandUsing Corrade with CMakefor more information. If you're on Windows, linking to theCorrade::Mai...
These structures have to be decomposed into 1D Taichi fields. For example, when representing a graph, you can allocate two fields, one for the vertices and the other for the edges. 接着您就可以通过 for v in vertices 或for v in range(n) 遍历元素。
Unlike other libraries, chart components live inside your project, so you have complete control for customization. It also includes some handy helper functions to help format your data into the right shape. Read the guide, try the starter template or check out the example components. See the ex...