October 4, 2014 Some headway to report on the geometric font project. There was an early comment byWillem Derksregarding the need to have control overstencilling. After all the focus of this project is manufacturing, meaning that we do expect people to actually cut holes into sheet material ...
Location: Garden City, KS Status: offline Re: FX Chain Background Graphics September 20, 18 4:13 AM (permalink) Thanks Craig! Wren Studio Cat DAW i7-4790K 4.0GHz, 16 GB, Windows 10 (latest), 64-bit, 500GB SSD OS HDD, 1.5TB 7200 SATA Recording, 2x 1TB SSD Samples, MOTU 8M, ...
Type: Commercial building Address: 119 West 8th Street, Hays, KS 67601 Categories: building and office Location: Hays, Ellis, Western Kansas, Kansas, Great Plains, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude38.87114° or 38° 52' 16" north Longitude-99.33217° or 99° ...