The image's components have been reoriented to tell the story from left to right. Some arrows and text were removed for simplicity. The color palate was softened. The paper's take‐away message and new findings ("Activation of Hv1") were set as the focal point of the abstract. 总结 总...
Graphical Abstract一定是对研究论文提炼出的最重要、最精华的部分。文本摘要和图文摘要之间的区别是,Graphical Abstract应该只着重强调论文的某一个方面,而不是对整体研究的概括总结。你的研究论文可能有一个独特的创新点和主题,或者包含一些漂亮的研究结果(数据)和实验方法等。这时,你应该只关注其中一个着重点来构思Gra...
随着科学研究的不断深入和学科交叉融合的大趋势,Graphical Abstract已经成为作者向编辑和审稿人展示论文研究主要发现和创新点的重要途径,同时也是作者与读者快速传递信息的重要桥梁。作为科研工作者的我们应特别重视Graphical Abstract的作用,制作更加简洁、重点突出的Graphical Abstract,促进科学发现的传播和学科融合。 ...
cell期刊中对于图片摘要表述为“The graphical abstract is one single panel image that is designed to give readers an immediate understanding of the take home message of the paper. Its intent is to encourage browsing, promote interdisciplinary scholarship, and help readers quickly identify which papers ...
1.什么是Graphical Abstract? Graphical Abstract,中文可译为图片摘要。cell期刊中对于图片摘要表述为“The graphical abstract is one single panel image that is designed to give readers an immediate understanding of the take home message of the paper...
1.什么是Graphical Abstract? Graphical Abstract,中文可译为图片摘要。cell期刊中对于图片摘要表述为“The graphical abstract is one single panel image that is designed to give readers an immediate understanding of the take home message of the paper. Its intent is to encourage browsing, promote interdisci...
1.什么是Graphical Abstract? Graphical Abstract,中文可译为图片摘要。cell期刊中对于图片摘要表述为“The graphical abstract is one single panel image that is designed to give readers an immediate understanding of the take home message of the paper. Its intent is to encourage browsing, promote interdisci...
卡尔 楼主 2022-04-10 18:57:23 图形摘要,用一张示意图简要介绍论文的主要内容 Amagi 我已经投出去了😭用了toc的图,还是想跟您请教一下,或许它们的功能之间有什么区别吗,这个graphical abstract image里面需要包括文字吗。 赞 回复 豆友ApGwoDB1iQ 2022-04-10 23:06:13 就是ToC,不同叫法而已。要不...
A Graphical Abstract is a single, concise, pictorial and visual summary of the main findings of ...