handle.现在我不知道graphical abstract是什么?以前投稿没有遇到过这个要求的啊。好像也不是caption。
和500*200像素的,分辨率是300,都预览不出来,原因是啥呢? 下面是关于Graphical Abstract 的要求:...
•Includeacaptionorexplanatorynoteaboutthevisualoraudiohighlight. •Followtherequirements orsubmittingmultimediaasprovidedat: http://.ieee/documents/MMdocumentation.pd . WhenpreparingtheGraphicalAbstract,the ollowinggeneralspecifcationsshouldbeadheredto: ImageSpecifcations Dimensions:660x295 FileTypes:JPG,TIFF...
Abstract: Among other disclosures, a method includes associating an initial work area corresponding to a portion of graphical data with a graphical editing tool, receiving a request indicating a change in editing mode to use of the graphical editing tool, determining an active work area based on ...
Abstract: A method and system for providing configurable features for a multi-windowed graphical user interface (GUI) for electronic trading. The configurable features include, but are not limited to, creating collective windows comprising plural individual windows, where the collective window functions ...
Kindly send me a graphical abstract for your manuscript, and I will proceed to assign your manuscript for the editors to handle. 现在我不知道graphical abstract是什么?以前投稿没有遇到过这个要求的啊。好像也不是caption。
handle.现在我不知道graphical abstract是什么?以前投稿没有遇到过这个要求的啊。好像也不是caption。