Printable biography worksheets at StoryboardThat are perfect for organizing research. Customize templates for biography graphic organizers and print out!
Printouts Useful for Writing Biographies: Biography Chart Printout This biography graphic organizer consists of a series of rectangles. It prompts the student to list the person, the birth (date and place), family, early life, education, adult life, major accomplishments, how the accomplishments cha...
Biography Diagrams Graphic organizers are useful to help prepare for writing a biography. Before writing, the graphic organizer prompts the student to think about and list the major events in the person's life. Animal Report Diagrams: Many graphic organizers are useful to help prepare for writing...
Check out the article on spider maps, our storyboard templates, the "Story Starters" activity, or create your own graphic organizer to plan! You can make your own handy visual for the steps in the writing process like the one on the left using our How-To Infographic Templates! Make a ...
The blank graphic organizers and printable graphic organizer templates you need most for your elementary classroom are here! Help your students learn to...
As a student, schoolmaster, lawyer, preacher, organizer, thinker and writer, lecturer, educator, diplomat, and leader of men, he has made his mark on his city and state and the times in which he has lived. A man dies, but his good work lives. His ideas, ideals, and enthusiasms have...
Frequently Asked Questions about the Timeline Graphic Organizer What are some creative ways to incorporate timelines into lesson plans? In addition to creating timelines for historical events, timelines can be used to visualize the progression of a story or the stages of a project. In subjects like...