Not sure what DPI is? How about CMYK vs. RGB? Find explanations of commonly used graphic design terms on our terminology page.
Welcome to, our web site about graphics and graphic design, including home of manyfree graphics tutorials, and tons of free information such as agraphic design glossaryand information aboutgraphics file formats,graphics softwareandgraphic design books. Although our site does contain...
Alignment is a common graphic design term that refers to where you place images or text in a design so they line up. Proper alignment creates an order of information. Design elements are often aligned to the left, right, or center to create a sense of organization. Proper alignment of the...
The removal of material from the surface of an object by vaporization, chipping, or other erosive processes. Ablation technology is used in some proofing devices and platesetters to create proofs or plates by vaporizing or blasting away a part of the emulsion, typically with a thermal laser. ...
graphic design researchGraphic design has long been hampered by its indeterminate educational disciplinary status, resulting in it being subsumed within wider visual arts studies. Arguing that this permeates into professional practice, this article explores the ambivalence of professional graphic designers ...
This dictionary covers graphic design, prepress and print terminologyClick a letter to see more layout, printing and binding terms of this glossary A–B–C–D–E–F–G–H–I–J–K–L–M–N–O–P–Q–R–S–T–U–V–W–X–Y–Z–0-9–. QC Abbreviation for Quality Control. QIC ...
The termgraphic noveliscontentious. From the 1970s, as the field of comic studies was first emerging as an academicdiscipline, scholars and others have attempted to define the wordcomicsand to generate a critical terminology appropriate to support that definition. The debate over so-called graphic ...
3. Graphic Design Elements for Non-Designers Specialization by University of Colorado Boulder (Coursera) 4. Graphic Design Bootcamp (Udemy) 5. Become a Graphic Designer (LinkedIn Learning – Lynda) 6. Google UX Design Professional Certificate (Coursera) ...
However, the concepts and theory about what constitutes good design work remain true no matter how you execute them, and it's with this in mind that I approach logo design. In my opinion, a logo needs to work in plain black & white, with no frills, or it doesn't work at all. So...
This dictionary covers graphic design, prepress and print terminology Click a letter to see more layout, printing and binding terms of this glossary A–B–C–D–E–F–G–H–I–J–K–L–M–N–O–P–Q–R–S–T–U–V–W–X–Y–Z–0-9–. ...