Applying your creativity to shape a career communicating ideas and concepts. The three-year Graphic Design Ontario College Advanced Diploma program helps you apply your creativity to communicating ideas and concepts in both print and interactive media.
One of the reasons why business owners outsource projects to graphic design services is because of the convenience and flexibility it has to offer. Unlike in-house teams or local graphic design agencies that are only open during work hours, graphic design services often operate on-demand. This g...
Historically students have taken high school courses in carpentry or mechanical drawing. From those experiences, they have acquired the beginning basic language of construction drawings through hands-on experience. However, today's students are not so prepared, and it is imperative that a new ...
We design our courses so that everything is connected, making it easier to understand the patient as a whole, while being careful not to com- promise the quality of the students' scientific training. We have found that students absorb scientific knowledge better with this methodology and are ...
To prepare you for all these various professional responsibilities, graphic design schools usually require you to complete courses in a range of areas such as business, accounting, communications, media studies or management. Education in these areas will also greatly help you advance in your career...