rGO–TA and rGO–TH membranes show two XRD peaks, which are different from the reported rGO membranes6,30. The small XRD peaks at around 26.4° are similar to those observed in graphite, which might be related to the narrowed interlayer distances of neighboring rGO sheets that are attracted ...
Generally, the decreased intensity of TiO2 XRD peaks indicates the nanocomposite (TiO2/rGO at 7 and 10 wt%) are less crystalline or has an amorphous-like structure, possibly due to the low calcination temperature during the deposition process [57], [58]. However, this is uncorroborated by ...
In contrast to the detection of no graphene on the SiO2, the 2D peak clearly demonstrates that crystalline peaks were only in the Cu regions (Fig. 4c, d). The improvement of the interconnect Supplementary Fig. 1. In order to compare oxygen barrier characteristic, annealed Cu interconnects ...
The X-ray diffractograms (XRD) obtained for NPG, GO, and rGO samples are shown in Fig. 1. The corresponding diffraction peaks were identified by comparing with the standard JCPDS data of graphite (JCPDS no. 23-64) [16], [17]. The sharp diffraction peak appeared at 2θ = 26.6 A° ...
Finally, the XRD patterns for the FLG/MWNT-f-OH/AgNWs nanohybrids (Figure 1c) contained three of the characteristic peaks for AgNWs and a peak at 26.4°, which was attributed to the partly graphitic character of the FLGs [42,43,44]. ...
Besides, XRD spectrum of PANi, PANi-GO-ITN 25%, and PANI- GO-ITN 50% can be seen in Figure 5b. As can be seen in this Figure, the diffraction pattern of PANi shows 2ϴ peaks at around 14.97, 20.59, and 25.18 that correspond to (112), (020), and (200) crystal planes of PAN...
Characterization #(002)#(004)blackphosphorus (110)(103)Na3P Figure1.Ex-situXRDpatternsofblackphosphorustakenbeforechargingandafterchargingdowntodifferentvoltages.a,Inwiderange.b,Amplificationof(002)diffractionpeaks.c,Amplificationof(004)diffractionpeaks.Characterization ...
(3D)structures,leadingtoawiderangeof * Correspondenceandrequestsformaterialsshouldbeaddressedtotour@rice.edu. Contributions:J.L.discoveredtheprocedures,designed,performedandanalyzedmostofthedata,andwrotethemanuscript.Z.P. performedXRD,XPS,TEMcharacterizationsandassistedinelectrochemicalmeasurements.Y.L.conductedDFT...
2a, after 48 h reduction of the GO with L -AA, theintensities of the FT-IR peaks corresponding to the oxygenfunctionalities, such as the CQO stretching vibration peak at1726 cm ?1 , the vibration and deformation peaks of O–Hgroups at 3395 cm ?1 and 1410 cm ?1 , respectively, the ...
The GO peak is not observed in the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of the nanocomposite, thus providing evidence for the reduction of the GO. The XRD spectra do have peaks that can be attributed to cubic Fe3O4. The field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) images show Fe3O4 ...