Graphene/h-BN Moire superlatticeXiaoBo, LuGuangYu, Zhang
et al. Correlated superconducting and insulating states in twisted trilayer graphene moire of moire superlattices. Preprint at (2019). Jung, J., Raoux, A., Qiao, Z. & MacDonald, A. H. Ab initio theory of moiré superlattice bands in layered two-...
Here we report the direct observation of two new plasmon modes in macroscopic tBLG with a highly ordered moiré superlattice. Using spiral structured nanoribbons of tBLG, we identify signatures of chiral plasmons that arise owing to the uncompensated Berry flux of the electron gas under optical ...
The electronic structure of graphene is strongly modified by the Moire superlattice when placed on a hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) substrate at certain alignment angle. The folding of the original graphene energy bands into the superlattice Brillouin zone generates additional band degeneracy points (refe...
The graphene flake with giant moire´ patterns is stitched with several domains where the moire´ pattern is invisible. Dashed lines depict the shapes of the ''blank'' regions. The blank regions seem radiated from the center of the graphene flake; (b) Magnified friction...
For instance, a moire superlattice scale modulation on the lateral force will be experienced by the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM). However, the origin of this long-range force modulation still needs to be clarified. In this study, density functional theory (DFT) calculations have ...
This angle-tuned resistivity enhancement arises from the huge increase in the effective electron-acoustic phonon coupling in the system due to the suppression of graphene Fermi velocity induced by the flat-band condition in the moire superlattice system. Our calculated temperature dependence is ...
The graphene flake with giant moire´ patterns is stitched with several domains where the moire´ pattern is invisible. Dashed lines depict the shapes of the ''blank'' regions. The blank regions seem radiated from the center of the graphene flake; (b) Magnified friction images from the ...
(vdW) materials. The discovery of ferroelectricity in twisted vdW layers provides new opportunities to engineer spatially dependent electric and optical properties associated with the configuration of moiré superlattice domains and the network of domain walls. Here, we employ near-field infrared nano-...
This behaviour is experimentally found to be closely related to the suppression of molecular-level deformation of graphene within the moire´ superlattice structure. Atomistic simulations reveal that the formation of an interconnected meshwork with enhanced interfacial charge density imposes a strong ...