Landau fan diagramBerry&aposs phaseWe studied the magnetoresistance (MR) of twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) on electron transparent substrate. Samples of tBLG were assembled on free-standing silicon nitride (SiNx) membranes (<100nm thick) by transferring chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown ...
Figure 2c shows the calculated inverse compressibility (∂μ/∂n with chemical potential μ, n charge carrier density) as function of n and B at D = 0 (Landau fan diagram). Here, larger energy gaps in the Landau level spectrum (Fig. 2d) manifest as prominent peaks corresponding ...
a, Four-probe measurement of Rxx(Vbg) versus Ba in device A using an excitation current of 10 nA with the corresponding traces of the Landau fan diagram at the bottom. The green solid lines show the segments that can be traced in the data and the dotted lines indicate their extrapolation...
The zero-degree alignment generates a strong moiré superlattice potential for the electrons in BBG and the resulting Landau fan diagram of longitudinal and Hall resistance displays a Hofstadter butterfly pattern with a high level of detail. We demonstrate that the intricate relationship between valley...
The large and non-uniform strain caused by wrinkles or blisters in graphene could lead to the pseudomagnetic fields and result in Landau-level-like quantization even in zero magnetic field. For example, the strain-induced pseudo-magnetic fields with a significant field values in excess of 300 ...
Landau quantization (Extended Data Fig.6). This attribution also agrees with the fact that atB ≈ 3–5 T, the main cyclotron gap between the zeroth and first Landau levels (LLs) reaches about 800 K, notably exceeding the thermal smearingkBT. As for the MR magnitude,Δreaches ...
We include the exchange interaction with filled Landau levels below the octet states. This Lamb-shift-like effect contributes to the orbital splitting of the octet. We give phase diagrams as a function of applied bias and magnetic field. Some of our findings are in agreement with experiments. ...
A phase diagram is worked out, giving either the "spin-first" or "valley-first" splitting of the central Landau levels depending on the relative strengths of the electron-phonon coupling and the Zeeman interaction. Existence of a midgap band at the domain wall separating Landau levels of ...
“h” stands for holes.fLandau fan diagram ofRxxnear the CNP of the BG atD = −0.5 V/nm. White dots A and B represent the band crossing between the third Dirac LL of the DMG and the CNP of the BG.gA schematic diagram of extracting the CNP gap of BG. The insets ...
c, Landau-fan diagram showing similar behaviour as for D1 (0.97°). d, Temperature dependence up to 2 K, clearly showing superconductivity on the hole side (for −3 < ν < −2) and with a smaller pocket on the electron side showing signatures of developing superconductivity. e, ...