作品分为图分析和gnn。Edge-DP、Node-DP和graph - dp列中的刻度指定使用了哪种隐私概念。在LDP列中打勾表示作者使用了本地DP。星号(*)表示没有清楚地说明DP概念。两个星号(**)表示使用零知识隐私。ε列报告了在各自的工作中评估的隐上的 DP 的研究中,作者经常没有明确指定提供的保证属于上述哪个 DP 概念,...
(1)利用既有的离线数据集,基于表征学习对状态空间和动作空间进行抽象和聚合,利用聚类的方式对相似的state进行合并,构造出一个更小的、基于Graph结构的、离散化的MDP; (2)在Graph MDP上可以直接运行value iteration等tabular-based算法得到基于抽象state和抽象action的最优控制策略,进一步基于监督学习单独train一个action ...
A central object in data analysis is a graph \\(G = (V,E)\\) defined by a set of vertices V and edges between those vertices E . The vertices can serve as a proxy for any data type (e.g., social network users, a company's products, and waypoints on a map), and the graph...
网络释义 1. 图结构数据 ...蒋豪良 复旦大学 关键词:图结构数据 搜索 引言 图结构数据(Graph-structured Data), 是指表示为图的数据。www.docin.com|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,图结构数据 更多例句筛选 1. A data graph is a collection of tree-structured or graph-structured data objects. 数据图...
Graph-structured multi-task regression and an efficient optimization method for general fused lasso. CoRR abs/1005.3579. 2010X Chen, S Kim, Q Lin, JG Carbonell, and EP Xing. Graph-Structured Multi-task Regres- sion and an Efficient Optimization Method for General Fused Lasso. Preprints, arXiv...
transformers are at a disadvantage in reasoning over more general graph-structured data where nodes represent entities and edges represent relations between entities. To address this shortcoming, we generalize transformer attention to consider and update edge vectors in each t...
LeCun. Deep convolutional net- works on graph-structured data. arXiv:1506.05163, 2015. 3M. Henaff, J. Bruna, and Y. LeCun, "Deep convolutional networks on graph-structured data," arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.05163, 2015.Henaff et al., 2015] Mikael Henaff, Joan Bruna, and Yann LeCun....
Identifying graph-structured activation patterns in networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 2137-2145.Sharpnack, J., Singh, A.: Identifying Graph-Structured Activation Patterns in Networks. In: Proc. of Neural. Info. Proc. Sys. (2010)...
compactreachabilitylabelingforgraph-structureddata图结构数据的紧致可达标号 系统标签: reachabilitygraphlabelingstructured紧致compact CompactReachabilityLabelingforGraph-StructuredDataHaoHe†HaixunWang‡†DukeUniversityDurham,NC27708{haohe,junyang}@cs.duke.eduJunYang†PhilipS.Yu‡‡IBMT.J.WatsonResearchHawthor...