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New to Graph Explorer?Graph Explorer is a developer tool that let's you learn about Microsoft Graph APIs. Use Graph Explorer to try the APIs on the default sample tenant to explore capabilities. Follow a step-by-step tutorial GET v1.0 Run query Request body Request headers Mod...
本教程介绍如何使用 Microsoft Graph Explorer 快速测试API 驱动的入站预配。 先决条件 已配置API 驱动的入站预配应用。 备注 此预配 API 主要在应用程序或服务内使用。 租户管理员可以配置服务主体或托管标识,以授予执行上传的权限。 此 API 没有单独的用户可分配的 Microsoft Entra 内置目录角色。 在获得了...
eip与graph_name两个参数在创图时容易获得,port参数默认为80,开启安全模式时为443,关于projectId,可参考图引擎官网文档-获取项目id,从图控制台根据图所属的区域来获取项目id。 用于在请求API前获取token的参数:iam_url, user_name, password, domain_name,project_name,GES4Jupyter会使用这四个参数获取token,进而...
Graph Explorer consists of multiple parts where you can interact withsubgraphs,delegate, engageparticipants, viewnetwork information, and access your user profile. Inside Explorer The following is a breakdown of all the key features of Graph Explorer. For additional support, you can watch theGraph Ex...
{"family":"explorer-test","containerDefinitions": [{"name":"graph-explorer","image":"","cpu":0,"portMappings": [{"name":"graph-explorer-80-tcp","containerPort":80,"hostPort":80,"protocol":"tcp","appProtocol":"http"},{"name":"graph-exp...
Microsoft Graph Explorer是一款用于探索和测试Microsoft Graph API的在线工具。它提供了一个交互式界面,使开发人员能够轻松地与Microsoft Graph进行交互,并检查用户是否已启用邮件。 在Microsoft Graph中,用户的邮件启用状态可以通过检查用户的mailboxSettings属性来确定。具体而言,可以通过以下步骤来检查用户是否已启用邮...
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introduction to metrics 2.0 & Graph-Explorer: Metrics 2.0 In graphite, a metric has a name and a corresponding time series of values. Graph-explorer's metrics are structured: they contain key-value tags that describe all their attributes, the unit, the metric type,...
首先,登录该网站,找到Graph Explorer Graph Explorer提供了一些有用的项目,若需要对Office 365 Tenant 调用,则点击左侧的“Sign in with Microsoft”按钮登录。 示例:如果你想check Teams Channel的数据格式,执行query语句后,如果没有调用所需的权限,则会收...