Mader proved that for k≥1 and n≥2k, every n-vertex graph with no (k+1)-connected subgraphs has at most (1+12)(n−k) edges. He also conjectured that for n large with respect to k, every such graph has at most 32(k−13)(n−k) edges. Yuster improved Mader’s upper bo...
He also conjectured that for $n$ large with respect to $k$, every such graph has at most $\\\frac{3}{2}\\\left(k - \\\frac{1}{3}ight)(n-k)$ edges. Yuster improved Mader's upper bound to $\\\frac{193}{120}(n-k)$ for $n\\\geq\\\frac{9k}{4}$. In this note...
Observation 3.1.Any drawing of a graphGwith pairs of edges mutually intersecting more than once, can be redrawn as a good drawing of the same graph with at most as many crossings as the original one. 一些术语的别的叫法 For the sake of clarity, there are a few things to note about the...
A program with multiple tasks can be viewed as adependency graph: the vertices represent the tasks and the edges represent the dependencies between the tasks. Assignment of a dependency graph is amapping functionM:T↦P, which maps the set of tasksTonto the set of processorsP. M is defined...
摘要: In 1975, Erds raised the following problem: Let f(n) be the maximum possible number of edges in a graph on n vertices in which there are no two cycles having the same length. Determine f(n).关键词:length raised integer
Visualize & explore large graphs:In just a few minutes, create stunning interactive visualizations with millions of edges and many point-and-click built-ins like drilldowns, timebars, and filtering. When ready, customize with Python, JavaScript, and REST APIs. ...
Can you show a screenshot of that pie chart with attached labels? Before the merge. After the merge. Hidden characters and frame edges showing. Use the forum's "Insert Image" to do an inline graphic with your post. JPEG and PNG file formats. Regards,Uwe Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate...
Let Em denote the set of edges of the complete graph on m vertices Km, and let f : Em → Em be a function. A subgraph G = (V (G), E (G)) of Km is called f-fixed if f(e) = e for all e ∈ E (G) and f-free if f(e) ∉ E(G) for all e ∈ E(G). For ...
Connect data as it's stored with Neo4j. Perform powerful, complex queries at scale and speed with our graph data platform.
$relationshipsThe URL of the path to the relationships collection. This field is absent if the digital twin has no outgoing relationship edges. <component-name>A JSON object containing the component's property values and metadata, similar to those of the root object. This object exists even if...