Use theslope formula. The slope is 2/4, which , of course, you can simplify to ½.
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Slope Tool Find the slope of a line tangent to a curve at a single point. Annotation Tool Label a data point in a graph with a note. Smoothing Smooth out noisy data. Click the Smoothing menu and drag the slider to adjust the amount of smoothing applied to the data. ...
(d) Use the tangent line to approximate the value of 9.5 . (e) Use your calculator to f Let f(x) = 21 - x^2 . The slope of the tangent line to the graph of f(x) at the point (-4, 5) is ___ . The...
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Related to this Question What is the slope of the line tangent to the graph of the function f(x)=ln(sin^2 x + 3) \ at \ the \ point \ where \ x= \frac {\pi}{3}? What is the slope of the tangent line to cos(x-y)=xe^x at point (0,3...
Create a Line Chart online in 3 quick and easy steps. Enter your data in the calculator, select the line chart type and press the Open Line Chart button. This line chart creator may be used to display cumulative frequency curves based on running total da
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