Graph Theory, 5th - Reinhard Diestel, Springer, 2017 《图论》GTM173,有电⼦版 Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd- Douglas B. West, 2017 ⼊门教材 2 图的初步知识 (注:⼀般考虑simple graph (no graph loops or multiple edges), 且阶⼤于等于2)2.1 不规则图 Definition: 所有顶点的度都...
Graph Theory Chapter 9 Planar Graphs 大葉大學 資訊工程系 黃鈴玲 Outline 9.1 Properties of Planar Graphs 9.1 Properties of Planar Graphs Definition: A graph that can be drawn in the plane without any of its edges intersecting is called a planar graph. A graph that is so drawn in the plane ...
Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd- Douglas B. West, 2017 入门教材 2 图的初步知识 (注:一般考虑simple graph (no graph loops or multiple edges), 且阶大于等于2) 2.1 不规则图 Definition: 所有顶点的度都不同的图叫不规则图 (irregular graph) Definition: 只有一对顶点的度相同的图叫几乎不规则图 ...
一个图在平面上的图像表示如果边只在与其有公共顶点的地方与其他边相交,那么就称其为平面图(planar graph),这样的图像称为图的平面嵌入(planar embedding)。例如,例1与例2中的G和H都是平面图,尽管图1.1所示的图G的特定图像表示中存在着交叉边。此外,图1.2的前两个图并不是平面图,这将在后文中证明。 尽管...
Graph theory, branch of mathematics concerned with networks of points connected by lines. The subject had its beginnings in recreational math problems, but it has grown into a significant area of mathematical research, with applications in chemistry, soc
图论(Graph Theory)第一章 图形理论有明确的起始点,由瑞士数学家尤拉(Leonhard Euler,1707-1783)于1736年发表的论文开始。其研究的主要论点,乃在于解决当时的热门问题,即有名Königsgerg的七桥问题。 1.1定义与例题 定义1.1: 令 为非空集合,且 .序对 称为( 上)有向图(directed graph or digraph),其中 为...
Other articles where planar graph is discussed: combinatorics: Planar graphs: A graph G is said to be planar if it can be represented on a plane in such a fashion that the vertices are all distinct points, the edges are simple curves, and no two edges m
[化学]图论Graph Theory-精品文档第一章 图形理论有明确的起始点,由瑞士数学家尤拉(Leonhard Euler,1707-1783)于1736年发表的论文开始。其研究的主要论点,乃在于解决当时的热门问题,即有名Königsgerg的七桥问题。 1.1定义与例题 定义1.1: 令 为非空集合,且 .序对 称为( 上)有向图(directed graph or ...
planar diode planar flow structure planar frame planar graph planar laser-induced fluorescence planar linkage planar map planar photodiode planar point Planar Process planar transistor planar-array antenna planaria planarian Planarians Planarity (graph theory) ...