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Parameterized complexity theory guarantees the existence of such kernels for problems that are fixed-parameter tractable. Some problems admit stronger kernelization in the sense that the size of the output instance is bounded by a polynomial (or even linear) function of the parameter, the so-called...
In: 36th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC), pp. 222–231 (2004) Google Scholar Aubanel, E.: Resource-aware load balancing of parallel applications. In: Udoh, E., Wang, F.Z. (eds.) Handbook of Research on Grid Technologies and Utility Computing: Concepts for Managing ...
we may use the mechanism in [16] to compose it with a generic tracker system, the Tracker GTS defined in Fig.2. Its type graph\({ TG }_{ Tracker }\)is depicted in Fig.2a. It describes the concepts related to servers that process...