相邻(Adjacency): 无向图G中的一边e连接u,v,那么我们称u和v是相邻/连通(adjacent / neighbors / connected)的;其中也称u和v是边e的端点(endpoints) 领域(Neighborhood) 与顶点v相邻的所有点的集合N(v)称为v的领域(neighborhood of v);顶点集合A的领域指的是其内所有点领域的交集 度(degree) 顶点v的度,记...
Introduction to Graph Terminology A graph is made of perpendicularly intersecting lines called axes. The range of the scale represents all the numbers encompassed on the graph, from where the perpendicular lines intersect to the edge of the graph. The scale of the graph represents the value of ...
Graph TerminologyMagnus Lie Hetland
7.2图的术语/GraphTerminology 7.3图的表示与同构/ RepresentingGraphandGraphIsomorphism 7.4连通性/Connectivity 7.5欧拉道路与哈密尔顿道路/ EulerandHamiltonPaths 7.6最短道路问题/ShortestPathProblem 7.7平面图/PlanarGraphs 7.8图的着色/GraphColoring . 04/01/222 Graphs/Graphs/图论图论 7.4/Connectivity 01 12k-1k ...
graph介绍 GraphAlgorithmsandRelatedProblems ZhengJia Topics GraphTerminologyBasicAlgorithmsMinSpanningTreeEulerianandHamiltonianGraphsShortestPathsNetworkFlowConnectivity,MatchingBipartiteGraphsMisc(coloring,dominatingsets,dominators,covering,planarity,tournament)Terminology Graph:anorderedset(V,E),whereVisvertexset,Eisedge...
graph terminology, path is a sequence of vertices connected by edges; cycle is a path whose first and last vertices are the same. two vertices are connected if there is a path between them some graph-processing problems. Path: is there a path between s and t?
Major Graph Terminology Understanding the major terminology associated with graphs is essential for navigating through graph-related concepts effectively: Vertex-Also known as a node, a vertex represents an entity within a graph. It can represent various things, such as cities in a transportation netwo...
‘Arcs’ as connectivity variables, in contrast with our method using visibility connections54. Since we have taken a graph-based approach, we use graph terminology: for example we refer to ‘temporal community detection’, instead of ‘regime discovery’ or ‘semantic segmentation’ which may be...
A GraphQL query includes an entry point (a Query or Mutation field in GraphQL terminology), (optionally) arguments, and a selection set. The selection set specifies a nested traversal through the data graph as well as which fields to be returned. GraphQL 查询语言包含一个入口点(在 GraphQL ...
2.1 Graphical Notation and Terminology 概率图的术语 Graph : (省略) Bidirected (双向边) : 就是两个点之间互相有指向对方的边. 这样的边用虚的有方向的线表示. (这个边在因果论中被称为 confounder). Directed graphs (有向图) : 可以有双向边, 但是不能有 self-loop Directed cycles (有向圈)...