The influence of the time-delay on the thermal dynamics in living tissue is studied with aroot locusanalysis. 方法 用根轨迹法对活体生物组织不同的延时τ进行跟踪观察。 更多例句>> 4) Root-Locus 根轨迹 1. Suppletionof drawing root-locus by Matlab; ...
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It is better as compared to the root locus in terms of time delay which means that the Nyquist plot can simply manage the time delay within the system. It can locate the open-loop transfer function’s frequency response. It finds the no. of poles available poles on the right face of th...
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Domino effect: It is the effect that is produced by the collective impact of the chain of a similar event. This effect can be visualized in the Rube Goldberg device. The effects occur due to the potential energy of the stored in the dominoes. ...