Graph Representation Learning 作者:William L. Hamilton 出版社:Morgan & Claypool 出版年:2020-9-16 页数:159 定价:USD 59.95 装帧:平装 丛书:Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ISBN:9781681739632 豆瓣评分 9.3 21人评价...
Graph Representation Learning Book by William L. Hamilton 稍微过了下,比较好的几点: 1. 比较均衡覆盖了network embedding,knowledge graph embedding,graph neural networks,generative models。 2. 基本在每一部分介绍的时候都从第一性原理出发,给了动机和随之而来朴素...
This book provides a synthesis and overview of graph representation learning. It begins with a discussion of the goals of graph representation learning as well as key methodological foundations in graph theory and network analysis. Following this,the book introduces and reviews methods for learning nod...
William L. Hamilton的新书《Graph Representation Learning Book》出来了。这本书是对图表示学习的一个简要而全面的介绍,包括嵌入图数据的方法,图神经网络,以及图的深层生成模型。Graph Representation Learni…
《GraphRepresentationLearning》by William L. Hamilton 本章主题为GNN实战,主要是如何训练GNN,包括如何优化、如何提高效率、提高稳健性。Graph Representation Learning Book
Hackathons With MachineHack you can not only find qualified developers with hiring challenges but can also engage the developer community and your internal workforce by hosting hackathons. Learn More ⟶ Talent Assessment Conduct Customized Online Assessments on our Powerful Cloud-based Platform, Secured...
图表示学习(Graph representation learning) (part2 and part3).zip 图表示学习,是2018年火爆全球的一个深度学习方向,从以Line, meta-path等为首的节点表示学习,到以GCN,GraphSAGE,为首的图卷积方法,在到近期的以GraphVAE为首的生成图模型,图表示学习方向的文章如过江之鲫。在昨天的AAAI 2019 Tutorial环节,来自...
Paper -> Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs 4. ChebNet: CNN on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering ChebNet is a formulation of CNNs in the context of spectral graph theory. ChebNet Blog Jupyter Notebook Code Paper -> Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Locali...
🔗Graph Representation Learning Book(by William Hamilton) 🔗CS224W: ML with Graphs(by Jure Leskovec) 📚 GNN Papers and Implementations If you want to keep up-to-date with popular recent methods and paper implementations for GNNs, the Papers with Code community maintains this useful collection...
Graph Representation Learning for Popularity Prediction Problem: A Survey The online social platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and WeChat, have grown really fast in last decade and have been one of the most effective pla... T Chen,J Guo,W Wu 被引量: 0发表: 2022年 Deep learning,...