The LN IC50 is the logarithm of the concentration IC50 at which a drug inhibits biological activity. A smaller value indicates greater sensitivity of the cell lines to the drug, indicating its effectiveness. Our predictions identified the top six most effective drugs as Bortezomib, Daporinad, Vinb...
a field that holds significant promise in pharmaceutical research. The prediction of drug–target affinity (DTA) is a crucial stage in this process, potentially accelerating drug development through rapid and extensive preliminary compound screening, while also minimizing resource utilization and costs. Re...
Existing methods for fine-scale air quality assessment have significant gaps in their reliability. Purely data-driven methods lack any physically-based mechanisms to simulate the interactive process of air pollution, potentially leading to physically inc
Shapeofthei-ecurveofpolarography 5×10-4mol/LCdCl20.1mol/LKCl N2 DME:2~3drops/10sec.E:0~-1.5v/~5min (2)Formationofthepolarographicwave ①-②Residualcurrent(残余电流):ir②Decompositionpotential:whereCd2+couldbereducedontheDME OntheDME:Cd2++2e+Hg==Cd(Hg)Edme=E0+RT/nFln[CCd2+/CCd(...
We employed an initial learning rate of 0.0005, complemented by a warm set- ting. Additionally, we utilized learning rate decay, reducing it by 20% every 40 epochs. Qi et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2024) 25:75 Page 14 of 21 The Adam optimizer was the choice for optimization. The ...
A stressful factor or stressor is any element that leads to the physiological reaction to stress. They can be natural objects perceived as stressors by the individual, for example, a weapon, or situations internally perceived as uncertain or potentially threatening. The intensity of the ...