Sin graph GCSE questions1. Below is a sketch of the graph of y=sin(θ)y=sin(θ)y=sin(θ) for 0≤θ≤180o0≤θ≤180o0≤θ≤180o. If sin(x)=0.7sin(x)=0.7sin(x)=0.7, what other value for θθθ would return the same value of sin(θ)sin(θ)sin(θ)? (1 ...
Cubic graph GCSE questions1. Match the correct equation to the graph: y=x2+3x+2y=3x+2y=x3−5x+2y=3xy=x2+3x+2y=3x+2y=x3−5x+2y=3xy=x2+3x+2y=3x+2y=x3−5x+2y=x3 (1 mark) Show answer 2. (a) Complete the table of values for y=x3−8x+3y=x3−8x+3y=x3−8x+...
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