(A) Bayesian network representing the joint distribution of y and its parents; (B) factor graph for a logistic regression for the conditional distribution of y given its parents. Let us assume that all variables are binary. Given a separate function fi(y,xi) for each binary variable xi, ...
The optional second argument can be used to define the direction that the camera should aim at, in terms of an {x,y,z} point in the 3D space. The 3rd optional argument defines the duration of the transition (in ms) to animate the camera motion. A value of 0 (default) moves the ...
范数是一个标量,它是向量的长度或者模,$||x||$ 是 $x$ 在有限空间中坐标的连续函数。这里把 $x$ 简化成1维的,坐标之间的差值可以看作向量在空间中的距离,根据压缩映射的定义,可以导出: $$||F(x)-F(y)||{\leq}c||x-y||, 0\ {\leq}c<1$$ $$\frac{||F(x)-F(y)||}{||x-y||}{...
fieldX The attribute field that will be used to plot value along the X-axis of the Horizontal Area graph. Field fieldY The attribute field that will be used to plot value along the Y-axis of the Horizontal Area graph. Field fieldLabel ...
(1)Z={X}∪{K}, where {X} and {K} are the unknown and known variables, respectively. The set of known variables contain the control variables U and the measured output variables Y. The basic tool for structural analysis is based on matching in a bipartite graph. The classical approach ...
Bearings are very important components in mechanical equipment, and detecting bearing failures helps ensure healthy operation of mechanical equipment and can prevent catastrophic accidents. Most of the well-established detection methods do not take into account the correlation between signals and are difficu...
screen2GraphCoords(x,y,distance)Utility method to translate viewport distance coordinates to the graph domain. Given a pair ofx,yscreen coordinates and distance from the camera, returns the current equivalent{x, y, z}in the domain of graph node coordinates. ...
Text for X and Y labels Color: vartextColor:UIColor Size: vartextSize:CGFloat Font Name: varfontName:String? Graph Offset Get and Set the current offset of the CollectionGraph. varcontentOffset:CGPoint Scroll to a specific data point. ...
yiliaofan / FlameGraph YKG / FlameGraph ylyking / FlameGraph ynadji / FlameGraph yonggang985 / FlameGraph yongjianxu / FlameGraph yqnt418 / FlameGraph yuanleilei / FlameGraph yubobo / FlameGraph yuejiesong1900 / FlameGraph yuemanxilou / FlameGraph yummly / FlameGraph yun...
Line graphs consist of two axes: x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical). Each axis represents a different data type, and the points at which they intersect is (0,0). The x-axis is the independent axis because its values are not dependent on anything measured. The y-axis is the ...