yFiles Diagrams in Power BI This sample demonstrates how to get yFiles diagrams into a Power BI dashboard with dataset integration. Many features one expects from such an integration are implemented; filtering, selection synchronization, highlights, styling and more. Below you can find an overview...
打开Microsoft Power BI Desktop。 选择“获取数据 > 空白查询”。 选择“高级编辑器”。 在查询中粘贴: 控制台 let Source = OData.Feed("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/alerts_v2", null, [Implementation="2.0"]) in Source 选择“完成”。
powerbi-visuals-streamgraph A stacked area chart with smooth interpolation. Often used to display values over time. Overview A stream graph, is a type of stacked area graph which is displaced around a central axis, resulting in a flowing, organic shape. Stream graphs display the changes in da...
Analyze and Monitor your tyGraph Data with Power BI Announcements 9Σεπτεμβρίου, 2015έωςTheresa Palmer tyGraph allows you to easily gain deeper insights into your Yammer data. Power BI allows you to analyze and monitor that data, by offering out-of-box content built from...
With the tyGraph content pack for Power BI, you have an initial set of metrics and actionable insights. These insights help you gain a better understanding of your organization and will help inform your social strategy decisions. We’re always interested in hearing your feedback – please ...
做出一个好产品可能不难,但是每次出品必属精品就很难了。Graphomate这个团队在Power BI图表市场上线了四个图表,每个都是精品,并且个人在Power BI桌面版使用完全免费,开放所有功能。 以业绩达成差异分析为例,Graphomate Matrix是如下效果: 符合IBCS图表标准,显示效果与之前介绍的Zebra BI的产品有异曲同工之处。该图表...
做出一个好产品可能不难,但是每次出品必属精品就很难了。Graphomate这个团队在Power BI图表市场上线了四个图表,每个都是精品,并且个人在Power BI桌面版使用完全免费,开放所有功能。 以业绩达成差异分析为例,…
Samples of analytics and visualization using Data Lake Analytics(opens in new tab) In-depth example ofusing Data Lake Analytics and Power BI to provide insights about ECCV(opens in new tab), an academic conference in the field of computer vision ...
说明 允许应用在没有登录用户的情况下读取Microsoft Intune管理的设备配置和设备符合性策略的属性及其分配给组的属性。 允许应用读取 Microsoft Intune 管理的设备配置的属性和设备符合性策略以及它们对组的分配情况。 AdminConsentRequired 是 是使用Microsoft Graph API 配置Intune控件和策略仍要求客户正确许可Intune服务...
你可以使用 Microsoft Graph 来让 Web 和移动应用程序读取和修改存储在 OneDrive for Business、SharePoint 网站或组驱动器中的 Excel 工作簿。 Workbook(或 Excel 文件)资源通过关系包含所有其他 Excel 资源。 可以通过识别文件在该 URL 中的位置,借助 驱动器 API 访问工作簿。 例如:...