Two weeks ago, I heard that Massachusetts was revising their official COVID death count downward by about 3,700. Massachusetts had long been one of the states that appeared to be overcounting COVID deaths, so I was not concerned about this change. While MA has been hanging out in the ...
When the Spanish flu returned in the fall, cases and death rates exploded. Ultimately 675,000 American died of the flu and — as the graph demonstrates — the majority of deaths occurred in the second wave. There are a lot of reasons to believe that COVID-19 may behave like the Spanish...
COVID-19, initially infecting around 40 people1. The disease quickly spread throughout the world, because ill people are already infectious in the pre-symptomatic stage of the disease and transmission occurs through the exchange of virus-containing droplets or expiratory particles2. Consequentially...
Another graph showing the recent peak in daily deaths throughout France as recorded by INSEE and plotted by Baptiste Coulmont from Paris 8 Sociology Department. And further discussed by Arthur Charpentier on Freakonometrics. With a few days off due to reporting, this brings an objective perspecti...
cambridge_cases.new_positive_casesAScambridge_daily_casesFROM"cityofchicago/covid19-daily-cases-deaths-and-hospitalizations-naz8-j4nc".covid19_daily_cases_deaths_and_hospitalizations chicago_casesFULLOUTERJOIN"cambridgema-gov/covid19-case-count-by-date-axxk-jvk8".covid19_case_count_by_date ...
And for most of us the only thing we can do is try to tough it out ... Governments are still lying about the deaths and serious health problems caused by COVID vaccines The Boggart Bloggers were not alone in being profoundly sceptical about the COVID19 pandemic that was top of the ...
The SEC’s graph above is part of a report the SEC released in October titled “U.S. Credit Markets Interconnectedness and the Effects of the COVID-19 Economic Shock.” The report makes no mention of the fact that the repo market blew...
(IARC) has released data on the global burden of cancer for 2020, which looks at incidence and mortality rates for 36 cancer types in 185 countries. As can be seen from the picture, in 2020, there will be 19,290,000 new cancer patients and 9,960,000 deaths worldwide. The top 10 ...
Overdose Deaths in the USA and Portugal November 28, 2021 I’d like to take a break from posting on all cause mortality in the US and its relationship to COVID deaths to post about a different subset of deaths. Drug overdose deaths are unequivocally on the rise this year, going from ...