Jingrui He and Rick Lawrence, "A graph-based framework for multi- task multi-view learning," in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-11), 2011, pp. 25-32.J. He and R. Lawrence, "A graph-based framework for multi-task multi-view learning," in ICML...
图中global cross-session item dependency部分现有的方法较少考虑到,为了建模这样的multi-level的动态转移,作者提出了一个多任务的学习模型。任务是常见的会话推荐任务,给定一个会话,预测下一个待点击的项目列表(top-K推荐)。 模型主要分为3个模块,第一个模块是Intra-Session Item Relation Learning, 目的是捕获单个...
Tang, “Infograph: Unsupervised and semi-supervised graphlevel representation learning via mutual information maximization,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.01000, 2019. [7] F. Manessi and A. Rozza, “Graph-based neural network models with multiple self-supervised auxiliary tasks,” arXiv preprint arXiv...
The proposed algorithm is evaluated using the Concept Description Language for Natural Language (CDL) corpus and SemEval-2007 Task 04 dataset. The experimental results validate its effectiveness. 展开 关键词: Graph based model multi-view learning relation classification semi-supervised learning ...
Multi-Task Joint Learning for Graph Convolutional Neural Network Recommendations Collaborative filtering recommendation based on graph neural network can mine the interaction information between users and items more effectively, but its... Y Wang,H Zou - 《Journal of Computer Engineering & Applications》...
知识图谱与推荐系统之《Multi-Task Feature Learning for Knowledge Graph Enhanced Recommendation》MKR,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
来源期刊 Pattern Recognition 2021/02/01 研究点推荐 Gait-based Identity Recognition Attention Enhanced Temporal Graph Convolutional Network Gait recognition Emotion Recognition Multi-task Learning Attention Enhanced Temporal Graph Convolutional Network (AT-GCN) 站内活动 0...
Experimental Settings :We used pre-trained BERT-base as a shared layer and fine-tuned over the multi-task setup for 3 epochs. We used mini-batch size of 32 and Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with learning rate 2e-5. In relevance ranking, we set the margin λ on the validation...
Multi-Task Learning for Knowledge Graph Completion with Pre-trained Language Models ElEvEn 孤独患者 目录 收起 1、摘要 2、简介 方法 链接预测 关系预测 相关性排名 3、结论 1、摘要 最近,提出了一种使用预先训练的语言模型(如KG-BERT)的新知识图补全方法,并显示出高性能。然而,它在排名指标中的得分,例...
Multi-task learning with sub-relations 会更加提升. 这里的意思是说, 使用三元关系中的子关系, 比如说三元中的二元disease D,可被Medince M治愈. 如果确实第三实体, 便可利用这个二元实体, 与三元识别任务一起进行训练. Syntactic analysis (句法分析)也对结果有很大贡献. ...