String sendSimpleMail(EmailDetails详细信息):此方法可用于向所需收件人发送简单的文本电子邮件。...details); } 这里使用 JavaMail API的JavaMailSender接口要发送带有附件的更复杂的电子邮件,可以使用MimeMessage 。...步:运行 Spring Boot 应用程序并点击http://localhost:8080/sendMailWithAttachment以发送...
Graph有一个4MB的请求限制,所以如果我想发送一封带有10 4MB附件的电子邮件,我不能使用FileAttachment类型。据我所知,推荐的方法是使用ReferenceAttachment,它带有一个指向已上载到OneDrive (它确实接受大有效负载)的文件的链接。我使用以下网址调用beta API: https:&#x 浏览0提问于2018-06-05得票数 4 1回答 ...
Hi, I would like to send an attachment to teams channel or 1:1 chat from my application using Graph API delegate permissions. I can not use the "contentURL" here. I have to generate the file from app itself and send to teams. How can I achieve
attachment - 表示附件引用的位置。 systemEventMessage - 当itemBody资源的内容属性设置为<systemEventMessage/>时,消息表示特殊事件。 有关详细信息,请参阅获取系统消息。 表情符号 - 当邮件正文包含表情符号时,$"<emoji id="IdOfTheEmoji" alt="AlternateRepresentationOfEmoji" title="TitleOfEmoji"></emoji>"...
public String externalReplyMessage() Get the externalReplyMessage property: The automatic reply to send to the specified external audience, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled. Returns: the externalReplyMessage value.fromJson public static MicrosoftGraphAutomaticR...
public Map additionalProperties() Get the additionalProperties property: attachmentItem. Returns: the additionalProperties value.attachmentType public MicrosoftGraphAttachmentType attachmentType() Get the attachmentType property: attachmentType. Returns: the attachmentType value.content...
API v1.0 reference Overview Users Groups Applications Backup storage Calendars Calendar Event Event message Attachment Attachment Get attachment Add attachment to a user event Add attachment to a message Create session to attach large file Add attachment to a post List attachments of a user event List...
{"@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.attachment"} ],"calendar": {"@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.calendar"},"extensions": [ {"@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.extension"} ],"instances": [ {"@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.event"}],"singleValueExtendedProperties": [ {"@odata.type":"microsoft....
注意 Getting a collection of resources is not supported.When you get a file resource, you don't need to include an Accept content type in the request.For more information about GET requests, see the following resources in the Microsoft Graph API REST reference:GET Pages GET Sections GET Sec...
-me.Actionssummary:Invoke action sendMaildescription:'Send the message specified in the request body using either JSON or MIME format. When using JSON format, you can include a file attachment in the same sendMail action call. When using MIME format: This method saves the message in the Sent ...