值@odata.type#microsoft.graph.groupMembers指示此类型标识租户中将允许作为请求者、审批者或审阅者的用户集合,他们是特定组的成员。 属性 展开表 属性类型说明 说明 String Microsoft Entra ID 中组的名称。 只读。 groupId String Microsoft Entra ID中组的ID。 关系 无。 JSON 表示形式 下面是资源的 JSON ...
使用/groups/{group-id}/members/$ref语法时,提供包含@odata.id 属性的JSON 对象,并按 ID 引用受支持的组成员对象类型。 使用/groups/{group-id}/members语法时,请提供一个 JSON 对象,该对象包含一个members@odata.bind属性,该属性具有对支持的组成员对象类型的一个或多个 ID 引用。
POST /groups { "displayName":"Flight 157", "mailNickname":"flight157", "description":"Everything about flight 157", "visibility":"Private", "groupTypes":["Unified"], "mailEnabled":true, "securityEnabled":false, "members@odata.bind":[ "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/bec05f3d-...
I am trying to fetch a list of users that belongs to specific groups. But in the response payload i wish to get the group details as for mapping in my application. Thanks in advance, Naveen
使用Graph API创建组时,确保在请求中指定管理员角色。可以使用以下示例代码: 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 POST /v1.0/groups Content-type: application/json { "displayName": "My Group", "groupTypes": ["Unified"], "mailEnabled": true, "mailNickname": "mygroup"...
Graph API 是一种用于访问和管理数据的网络应用程序接口(API),它允许开发者通过 HTTP 请求来读取和修改数据。在团队管理的上下文中,Graph API 可以用来创建、更新、删除和查询团队信息。 创建私有团队的优势 安全性:私有团队限制了成员的访问权限,只有被邀请的成员才能加入,这有助于保护敏感信息和项目。 隐私:私有团...
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-post-groups?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=python#exampl... The Group object has members and owners parameter, should that be used instead? If so is there any example for that? 0 Replies ...
The following operations are supported on group navigation properties:Read (GET): Supported for all groups. Update (POST): Supported only for security groups and mail-enabled security groups. (members and owners only.) Delete (DELETE): Supported only for security groups. (members and owners only...
Returned only on$select. Supported only on the Get group API (GET /groups/{ID}). licenseProcessingStateStringIndicates the status of the group license assignment to all group members. The default value isfalse. Read-only. Possible values:QueuedForProcessing,ProcessingInProgress, andProcessingComplete...
Both administrators and users who are members have this capability; however, guest users don't.If the signed-in user is a guest user, depending on the permissions an app has been granted, it can read the profile of a specific user or group (for example, https://graph.microsoft.com/v...