Grape seed extract (200 mg/kg; i.g.; 5 days/wk; for 8 weeks) inhibits HT29 colon carcinoma tumor xenograft growth in athymic nude mice[3]. Grape seed extract inhibits cell proliferation but increases apoptotic cell death in tumors[3]. Grape seed extract enhances Cip1/p21protein levels an...
英文名称:Grape seed extract 分子式:有 纯度:99% 有效物质含量:99 型号:食品级 品牌:仟盛 CAS编号: 84929-27-1 用途:营养强化剂 中文名:葡萄籽提取物 英文名:Grape seed extract CAS号:84929-27-1 外 观:红棕色粉末 本品应密封避光,储存于阴凉,干燥,通风处。 贮存:本品应贮存在阴凉、干燥、通风的...
英文名称:Grape Seed Extract 纯度:98 % 别名:葡萄籽提取物/Grape Seed Extract 产地:美国SIGMA 品牌:SIGMA和国药 包装规格:100mg 货号:葡萄籽提取物/Grape Seed Extract 我们提供的分析标准品,是用于色谱法(HPLC、GPC、GC)、 电泳法、 显微学 、分光光度法、滴定法 和 物理性质测试等方法的分析检测,涵盖了痕...
基本说明 葡萄籽提取物是从葡萄籽中提取分离得到的一类多酚类物质,主要由原花青素、儿茶素、表儿茶素、没食子酸、表儿茶素没食子酸酯等多酚类物质组成。 常见应用 很强的抗氧化能力。有研究报道葡萄籽提取物(GSE)看起来在诱导DNA上的细胞凋亡方面具有一定的前景,从而在细胞周期的G2 / M期调节停滞。 品科研-生物...
Definition Is a nutraceutical rich in grape seed proanthocyanidins . It is widely consumed for its beneficial health effects attributed to its high proanthocyanidin(s) content. Extract is prepared from the seeds of the grapes (Vitis vinifera), and seeds are usually procured from wine or juice indu...
Grape Seed ExtractIs a nutraceutical rich in grape seed proanthocyanidins. It is widely consumed for its beneficial health effects attributed to its high proanthocyanidin(s) content. Extract is prepared from the...doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27841-9_2510-2Manjinder Kaur...
Significance of the Study Grape seed extract is the first effective fining agent endogenous to grapes, thus not attracting the legal restrictions concerning the presence of foreign substances. 展开 关键词: astringency fining grape seed sensory analysis wine ...
Puritan's Pride 官网 海淘 Grapeseed Extract 葡萄籽精华胶囊 某天闲着没事又逛什么值得买(每时每刻都在逛啊! 根本停不下来啊! ),发现了这个Puritan's Pride 官网 Gra...,心想着转中还有几个小件在等着,不如凑单了。于是速度下好单,用的Paypal。单下完看看评论,很多网友反映PP家的神价格基本都是临期产品...
The aim of the present study was to assess the anti-obesity effects of grape seed extract (GSE) supplement in C57BL/6J mice. Thirty mice were divided into three groups; normal diet control group (ND), high fat diet control group (HD) and high fat diet plusgrape seed extractsupplemented ...
英文名称:extract powder 产地/厂商:斯诺特生物 主要成分:葡萄籽提取物(Grape seed P.E) 级别:食品级 别名:葡萄籽 用途:食品原料 葡萄籽提取物(Grape seed P.E) 多酚类 葡萄籽中含有多酚类物质(GPS),主要有儿茶素类和原花青素类。儿茶素类化合物包括儿茶素、表儿茶素及其没食子酸酯,是葡萄籽中主要的单聚体...