HUD Grants $3.5M For San DiegoReports on the United States Housing and Urban Development's grant to San Diego, California to help build a regional transportation center in the City Heights area.San Diego Business Journal
San Diego Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Spotlight Young Donors Reshaping Philanthropy and Bringing about Social Change ADallas Newseditorial explains how younger generations are reshaping philanthropy and making their own valuable contributions to society. ...
Yet Jarosz said the policy's political intentions are unclear, noting communities like San Diego and Sacramento inCaliforniaare above the national average in terms of birth rates, while certain rural areas of the country are below. Is this even legal? Legal exper...
This site is a part of a network of Websites that focus on the efforts of government, the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors, small businesses and social entrepreneurs to create healthy environments and communities in the United States and around the world. Here are other sites in the network ...
Adaptations to Hypoxia in Physiology and Disease Keystone meeting in Whistler, Canada in March 2018. September 2017 Helena Enocsson - Blog Post Medical Biologist Linköping University American College of Rheumatology’s Annual Meeting (ACR/ARHP) in San Diego, CA USA in November 2017. August 201...
San Diego Foundation Lapeer County Community Foundation Arkansas Community Foundation Collaboratory Social EntrepreneurshipSpotlight Dress Shoes That Promote Social Consciousness A list of eight socially conscious dress shoes has been collected and provided by CauseArtist, a news site that feature brands, ...
of $99,000 to three innovative organizations focused on the advancement of access to oral health care and the administration of dental benefits. The 2025 grantees are: Charm Economics, LLC, The Children’s Oral Health Network of Maine (COHN), and Rady Chil...
The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) First-Time Homebuyer Program offers access to several types of help, including deferred loans, homeownership grants, and down payment and closing cost assistance. Via the SDHC, San Diego first-time home buyers might be eligible for down payment or closing...
The program will provide two-year, $500,000 grants to seven women scholars who conduct research in areas critical to advancing medical science. The inaugural recipients hail from the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego State University, Scripps ...
The Keith Haring School, ABC (Association to Benefit Children), NYC The Mapplethorpe-Haring Intervention Model, ACRIA (AIDS Community Research Initiative of America), NYC The Keith Haring Community Wing, The LGBTQ Center, NYC The Keith Haring Harlem Center of the Alliance, Alliance for Positive ...