There are so many small business grants available in the Australia, where do you start? Let us simplify the process - we’ll match your business to tailored grants.
8.5 million youth continue to lack supportive, sustained relationships with caring adults. Mentoring - which matches youth with responsible, caring mentors, usually adults - has been growing in popularity as both a prevention and intervention strategy over...
At Grants Assist, we support businesses and non-profits across Australia. Every entrepreneur knows that it’s not easy starting a business or growing an existing one. Studies have found that 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs fail within the first 18 months due to cash flow issues an...
For example, Newport Council offers grants of up to 75,000 GBP for capital investment, as well as smaller grants for startups to help cover the costs of founding a business locally11. Swansea has a similar scheme, with grants for business costs or for building a website, as well as fun...
Incfile's Fresh Start Business Grant: Incfile helps birth small businesses by managing all the complicated filing and paperwork,offering tax advice, and providing other support services for nearly one million customers. Its Fresh Start Business Grant gives $2,500 to help start your business, as ...
Western Australia wants to boost its innovation capability, offering up grants to startups, emerging businesses, and small to medium-sized enterprises to help them become "investor ready". The pilot program, X-TEND WA, will see organisations that deliver innovator or investor education programs hav...
ALSO READ: CIP unveils Southerly Ten platform for offshore wind development in Australia Join Asian Power community Your e-mail address They may start with the assessment work needed for the feasibility study. Meanwhile, six licenses were granted to First Nations consultation. These include Iberdrol...
In order to start up a small business, government grants for small businesses can be applied in order to have funds for it. Are you tired of working with your terror boss? Do you wish to have your own business and be the boss of your own since you know for yourself that you have ...
3. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Businesses Innovation Research (SBIR) is a program powered by the SBA that gives grants to tech startups with innovative ideas for federal agencies like NASA, EPA, and USDA, among others. The Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program ...
Melbourne social enterprise Who Gives A Crap sold nearly 3 million rolls of toilet paper in 2014/15 and gave half the proceeds to WaterAid Australia, but co-founder Simon Griffiths says the donation would have been less had the startup adopted a non-profit model when it launched two years ...