With the falling prices of photovoltaics and government grants, purchasing solar panels has never been more appealing. Even without grants,photovoltaics are worth the investment. After thesolar payback period, when your power savings pay for thecost of equipment and installation, your electricity is c...
I am trying to get the local community center some solar panels for their roof, but the access is treacherous and needs to be re-configured. It is … Grant to start my own company to harvest solar powerNot rated yet I am interested in building a solar power plant. What type of governm...
This means our budget is very tight and installing a heat pump is not an option for us. Could you suggest cheaper alternatives to heat the property? Could we usesolar panels, for instance, to run an electric heating system? Would this ...
Launched in April, SolarDuck’s first pilot ‘King Eider’ consists of four triangular-shaped units, which are mounted by 156 solar panels and deliver a combined electrical output of 64 kWp to the grid. The project was deployed in IJzendoorn, in the Netherlands. The structure holds the sol...
Find out more about landlord loans in Scotland OPTIMISED RETROFIT PROGRAMME (ORP) If you are living in an older home you may be eligible for solar panels and heat pumps under the Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP). Supported by the Welsh Government, the programme is designed to make older hom...