Kenya Power Drivers Jobs in Kenya Kenya Power Drivers Jobs in Kenya - KCSE D+ Jobs in Kenya Kenya Power invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the following … Funding Opportunities for NGOs in Africa A list of latest Grant Funding Opportunities for NGOs in Africa. Funds NGO...
YouWin Connect, targeted at young Nigerians (18-40 years), has an annual capacity building of 55,000 young business owners. The initiative has been educating budding entrepreneurs to push their businesses to a much higher level, providing more jobs in the process. An initiative of the Federal...
Canada moots diamond beneficiation, environmental impact monitoring, Kenya grants first gold mining leaseCANADA HAS THE POTENTIAL TO CREATE "thousands" of direct and indirect diamond cutting and polishing jobs as new mines come into production in the country over the next decade, Diamond Bourse of ...
Through programs, fellowships, and grants the IWMF empowers women journalists with the training, support, and network to become leaders in the news industry. The IWMF recognizes that promoting the work and advancing the role of women in the news media is critical to transparency and that women ...
going towards a grant to the Praekelt Foundation (a software development non-profit that builds open-source, scalable mobile technologies and solutions to improve the health and wellbeing of underprivileged people) in order to help train micro and small businesses in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa...
We are starting up a manufacturing line for mono-crystalline solar modules in Texas and are in the process of securing the capital to get it off the ground. … solar grant Kenya how to get itNot rated yet I am really interested in saving the environment and here in Kenya we face a lot...