The article states that business grants given by the government to its subsidies for reviving the poor manufacturing firms in Great Britain have not been benefiting the employees working in these firms.EBSCO_AspProfessional Engineering
A grant is a lump sum of money that’s given to a person or organization by the government or a separate organization for a specific purpose. That sounds like a sprawling definition, but think of it this way: Grant money is financial assistance that helps people do great things, whether ...
9.the act of granting 10.(Law) a transfer of property by deed or other written instrument; conveyance 11.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy)USa territorial unit in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, originally granted to an individual or organization ...
A federal grant is a form of monetary assistance given to an individual or group from the government. In the U.S., federal grants may only be given to carry out public purposes of support as authorized by national law. Federal grants do not directly benefit the government. The U.S. has...
a tract of land given by the government, as for colleges or railroads. [1850–55] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
A Few Grants Offered by the Federal government’s Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP): High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program [3]: Created in 1988 with the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, this grant is available to areas found to be critical drug-trafficking regions and provides Federal... is THE source to FIND and APPLY for U.S. federal grants. This site is a resource for government agencies that have grants to offer and
government of Lesotho together with UNICEF and the European Union is currently offering support in the form of cash grants. 为了减轻艰难经济状况和艾滋病毒/艾滋病对弱势家庭造成的影响,莱索托政府与联合国儿童基金会以及欧盟目前 正在为这些 家 庭提 供 现 金 补贴。 [...] in...
Grants for Graduate School of Government Students Consider applying for a government grant as a starting point for covering the cost of a degree. Grants, unlike loans, do not have to be repaid. Additionally, they are offered by the government at both federal and state levels. Certain private ...
Governmental Grants(continued) Government grants are subject to audit by the awarding agencies. Each Acquired Company is in compliance, in all material respects, with the terms, conditions, requirements and criteria of allGovernmental Grantsand has duly fulfilled, in all material respects, all conditio...