From pre-production to filming and post, discover our detailed list of active grants for women filmmakers. Click on the name to discover the terms of the grant and apply, sort through criteria or search a specific query. [easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,twitter,google,pinterest,linkedin,...
Based at Valley State Prison for Women in Chowchilla, CA, among the largest women's prisons in the world, the program focuses on inmates serving life terms or very long sentences, preparing them to serve as leaders, mentors, trainers and mediators to other inmates, and providing all inmates...
Best grants for women Small business grants intended specifically for women can help them launch startups, create products, purchase buildings and more. Here are seven of the best grants for women in business. (Note: Some application deadlines may have already closed; check the grants’ websites...
Deadline:Check back for deadlines for 2024. Over To You The above grants set the foundation for Black women founders to thrive and grow. We must continue to invest and back their passions because when Black women win, we all win.
WIC is a federal-funded nutrition program that provides free healthy foods to women, children and infants who are considered to be “at nutritional risk”. For instance, women who are pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding. Infants are eligible up to the infants’ first birthday. Children qualify...
Small business grants can unlock free funding for your company or startup. We’ve curated 40+ grant programs for small businesses, plus show you how to apply.
You will find many diverse educational grant programs in our databases, directories and resources. There are Grant Money and Scholarships for preschool children and nursery school education, private, primary and secondary schools, men and women to further their education, scholarships for athlete’s, ...
The project we are part-funding is the delivery of the ‘graduation programme’, for women who have been granted leave to remain in the UK, to start accessing the public resources available to them, including housing and benefits. It will equip around 90 women over a year with the confidenc...
Her film Down and Out in America also tied for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1986. Birthplace: New York City, Manhattan, USA, New York Also ranks #23 on The Best Living Actresses Over 80 Also ranks #50 on The Most Beautiful Women Of The '60s Dig Deeper Celebrities ...
Grants for Women-Owned Businesses assists women to obtain funding for their startups or business! If you're a woman who operates a small business or has a business idea, looking for and applying for these awards may be worthwhile.