The Community Facilities Grant Program provides financial assistance to towns of less than 20,000 residents to drill water wells. Funded by the USDA, grants cover the construction and renovation of water wells and other public facilities. The grants pay for equipment needed for facility operations. ...
Employing a communication payload on an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) for harbor monitoring and homeland defense The Homeland Defense community is increasing its focus on port security and harbor protection. Rising to the challenge, the U.S. Coast Guard is tasked with... JS Wells,MC Manning...
Homeland Security Grants The Department of Homeland Security, DHS, funds grants to assist state and local government agencies in making neighborhoods safer for its citizens. Grants serve to build and sustain capabilities of government and law enforcement agencies to prepare, prevent and respond to terr...
New hydrological insights for the region Uranium is primarily associated with fine-grained materials (clay/silt) and is labile depending upon sediment geochemical conditions. Natural occurrence of uranium minerals in SMCB alluvial sediments here results in concentrations in groundwater greater than the ...
ROSES 2025: A.45 Water Quality Applications NASA Headquarters PLEASE NOTE: this program has MANDATORY Notices of Intent, which are due via NSPIRES by April 14, 2025. See the full posting on NSPIRES for details. Proposers must retrieve the instructions document...more ...
Experts Recommend Children 'Mostly Drink Water and Plain Milk' Foundation:Johnson Foundation,Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Experts recommend children'mostly drink water and plain milk' Public health experts recommend children under 18 years limit 100% fruit and vegetable juice, plant-based milk, sugar...
Several amenities include two wells, 10,000 gallon water storage tank; additional 1500 gallon fresh water tank for domestic use; large metal shop with 200 amp service, two storage lofts with bedroom and bathroom. Separate barn/storage buildings with total of 6 ba...
Capturing and storing carbon dioxide in underground wells has the potential to become the most consequential technological deployment in the history of the broader biofuels industry. Deploying effective carbon capture and storage at biofuels plants will cement ethanol and biodiesel as the lowest carbon li...
sterilised vessels, with antiseptic precautions, and allowed it to coagulate, the addition of even eight drops of tap-water failed to set up putrefaction, although the vessels were kept for several days at the temperature of the body, an... ...