8.5 million youth continue to lack supportive, sustained relationships with caring adults. Mentoring - which matches youth with responsible, caring mentors, usually adults - has been growing in popularity as both a prevention and intervention strategy over...
Grants help South Jersey schools provide exercise programs, plant gardens to fight childhood obesityD'amico, Diane
The money will pay for community engagement, development of a landscape sketch plan, soil improvement, 1500 climate-ready native trees, shrubs and groundcovers and a water cart to keep plants watered during the establishment phase. The Downer ParkCare group will maintain the space and will have ...
In defense of nativars: Comparing the conservation value of native milkweed cultivars and straight species for monarch butterflies, bees, and other pollinators in small gardens — D. Potter, University of Kentucky Biocontrol agents for the vector of rose rosette virus — I. Tzanetakis, University...
Using this funding, the Audubon Center will work with Centro de Cultura Arte Trabajo y Educacion (CCATE), Norristown’s largest Latinx community center, to design and install stormwater management gardens at CCATE’s new site. Native trees, plants and shrubs will be purchased and planted, and...