Announces the Eagle Staff Fund program of the First Nations Development Institute in Fredericksburg, Virginia which offers grants for Native American projects which that culturally appropriate and sustainable economic development. Four different levels of economic development grants offered to tribes....
The authorizing legislation for the Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant Program identifies up to $38 million for the entire life of the grant program for projects to identify, research, evaluate, interpret, protect, restore, repair, and acquire historic confinement sites in order that present ...
Looking For Renewable Energy Grants For Non-profit Native American Projects Not rated yetWe are a non-profit organization that focuses on Native American communities. One of our objectives is to serve as a model for proper stewardship of the … Grants for a new solar farm in Wisconsin Not rat...
Projects can also study the intersections of the experiences of people of color and how other marginalized identities connect with their lives, including disability or LGBTQ+ identities. McQuirter and Dorsey said applicants should be creative, and, when in doubt, ask a librarian...
Home improvement grants aim to help homeowners make repairs to critical house issues. Learn who can qualify for a home improvement grant and what it covers.
The Raskob Foundation is an independent, private Catholic family foundation. Grants and loans are made worldwide for projects and programs associated with the Catholic Church. The Foundation has no official funding priorities. However, the Raskob Foundation takes particular interest in projects in which...
Explore grants and scholarships for physical therapy students who are pursuing a doctor of physical therapy degree program.
Earlier this month, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced that it would be doling out $27.4 million in grants for more than 200 humanities projects throughout the nation — including a project that could be pivotal for preservation of
This scholarship is offered for summer and semester programs and is intended for students with identities historically underserved in education abroad. This can include, but is not limited to, individuals who identify as African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American, Alaskan Native, American...
USDA rural business development grants: These USDA grants pay for technical assistance and training for small rural businesses that have fewer than 50 employees and less than $1 million in gross annual revenue. The money must be used for “projects benefiting rural areas outside of urbanized areas...