The Georgia Music Foundation announces it has awarded more than $230,000 in Georgia Music Grants for 2023. Fifty-six schools and non-profits across the state from Dahlonega to Donalsonville have received grants to support their music programs. “We’re not music educators ourselves,” says Georgi...
Ole- Stars offers dance grants for individuals and funding for actors. We are best crowd funding for musicians, film & singers with grants for bands. Join Us Today!
Ole- Stars offers dance grants for individuals and funding for actors. We are best crowd funding for musicians, film & singers with grants for bands. Join Us Today!
Although nominees are reviewed for their achievements, the fellowship is not a lifetime achievement award, but rather an investment in a person’s originality, insight, and potential. Indeed, the purpose of the MacArthur Fellows Program is to enable recipients to exercise their own creative instinct...
monetary prizes for exceptionally talented young musicians; and the Youth Concert, which has brought nearly 250,000 fourth graders to Walt Disney Concert Hall for exuberant performances presented by the LA Phil. For more information and photos, please
we needed to find another avenue for reaching our audience. So we leaned into digital — and data. Audiences around the world streamed into our digital concerts. They visited our website, reading fresh content we created. They donated to help our musicians because we built...
ΤαΔιαχωριστικά New York Foundation for the ArtsΤο Women's Fund είναι έναπρόγραμμαεπιχορήγησης γιαγυναίκες καλλιτέχνες σεδιάφορους κλάδους. Όλες οιγυν...
Kuten edellä mainittiin, National Endowment for the Arts on liittovaltion virasto, joka tarjoaa apurahoja kaikentyyppisille taiteilijoille. Se sisältää apurahoja muusikoille, useiden muiden kategorioiden joukossa. NEA:n muusikko-apurahat on suunnattu enemmän yhtyeille, ryhmille ...
Kuten edellä mainittiin, National Endowment for the Arts on liittovaltion virasto, joka tarjoaa apurahoja kaikentyyppisille taiteilijoille. Se sisältää apurahoja muusikoille, useiden muiden kategorioiden joukossa. NEA:n muusikko-apurahat on suunnattu enemmän yhtyeille, ryhmille ...
Korištenje električnih romobila ističe New York Foundation for the Arts Ženski fond program je potpore za umjetnice u različitim disciplinama. Sve umjetnice u području NYC-a, uključujući glazbenice, potiču se da se prijave i ispunjavaju uvjete za dobivanje potpore...