All software projects developed using grant funds program must be released under a permissive open-source license, such as MIT, Apache 2.0, 2-Clause BSD or similar. Who are we looking for We are looking for individual developers, new and existing companies and projects, community members or est...
Community Vital Signs and techniques; assess institutional strengths and opportunities; create replicable and sustainable digital platforms for historical collections; virtually unify records from multiple repositories; and promote management structures for long-term sustainability and growth....
We have a Matrix channel for grant-related questions and activities. Head over there to ask grants-related questions, share your experience with other applications and grantees, or simply hang out:W3F Grants Community We also have Matrix/Element channels for real-time discussions on Web3 and ...
Squamish Community Foundation does not provide funding for certain types of projects. Grants are NOT: Awarded to retire debt or fund projects already completed. Awarded to fund direct faith-based or political activities. Made to support fundraising, advertising, promotional activities or commercial eve...
Applications are due October 14, 2022, and grant applicants will be notified of the status of their applications in February 2023. The grant performance period for projects is expected to be April 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.
In December 2022, Governor Sununu announced $4.3 million in matching grants to support 34 land conservation and historic preservation projects across the state. Provided by the New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP), thegrants will assist municipalities, nonprofits, and c...
Foundation grants are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors, which consists of individuals from the Nashville community and team representatives. All applicants are notified in late April via email and funding is distributed by early May. For this reason, we do not accept requests for ...
Federal project grants include a wide array of projects such as technical assistance grants, traineeships, research grants, evaluation grants, scholarships, and fellowships. Allocation Process: Distributing and Receiving Project Grants The process of applying for a federal grant depends heavily on the ...
Mars, Jr. Chocolate History Grant enables the creation of immersive experiences, research projects, and publications that bring these important cultural moments to life. It’s through the sharing of these stories that we see chocolate as a bridge for connection to our past, as well as a lens ...
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) recently awarded two $50,000 Healthy Tomorrows grants to community-based child health projects in Chicago and in Denton, Texas.The two grants were among seven awarded during the third cycle of the Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program. 年份: ...