艾萨克·牛顿雕像, 三一学院教堂(Statue of Isaac Newton, Trinity College Chapel) 关于剑桥23: 艾萨克·穆顿爵士(Cows about Cambridge 23: Sir Isaac Mooton) 艾萨克·瓦茨爵士, 瓦茨公园, 南安普顿(Sir Isaac Watts, Watts Park, Southampton) 艾萨克爵士的散步, 科尔切斯特(Sir Isaac"s Walk, Colchester) ...
Wartime had stopped the traditional full-scale Commem balls in the summer, but the approach of victory permitted a rash of college and other dances in March. Margaret went to five. The first, and best, was the Randolph Ball at the Randolph Hotel: ‘We had a marvellous time…Tony hired ...