{"error":"unsupported_grant_type","error_description":"The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.","hint":"Check that all required parameters have been provided","message":"The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server."} ...
My app has been using the esi and i have not changed any of the code however I now get this error whenever I try and use either the authorization_code or refresh_token grant types. [error] => invalid_grant [error_description] => Grant ty...
All Implemented Interfaces: Serializable @Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public classUnsupportedGrantTypeExceptionextendsAWSSSOOIDCException Indicates that the grant type in the request is not supported by the service. ...
不久之前,Google开源了TensorFlow,这是一个旨在简化图表计算的库。 主要的应用程序是针对深度学习,将...
Which grant type is right for your application? In general, the advantages of one grant mirror the disadvantages of the other grant. The advantage of the Authorization Code Grant is that it can be more secure than the Implicit Grant. The user is not involved in the request for the access ...
even though I have added grant_type: Password Credentials. Thanks, Jalpa Patel binson Product and Topic Expert 2019 May 30 12:19 PM 1 Kudo Hi Eric, As documented in SAP note: https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2766354, custom IdP, including IAS is not yet supported in ...
400 RegionEndTimeDissolvedIndia The region is no longer supported. 指定的地域无效。 403 IncorrectDBInstanceType Current DB instance type does not support this operation. 操作失败,该实例状态下不支持此操作。 403 IncorrectDBInstanceState Current DB instance state does not support this operation. 当前实例...
400 RegionEndTimeDissolvedIndia The region is no longer supported. 指定的地域无效。 403 IncorrectDBInstanceType Current DB instance type does not support this operation. 操作失败,该实例状态下不支持此操作。 403 IncorrectDBInstanceState Current DB instance state does not support this operation. 当前实例...
AS is not supported for PROXY grants. The following example illustrates the effect of the AS clause. Create a user u1 that has some global privileges, as well as restrictions on those privileges: CREATE USER u1; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON *.* TO u1; REVOKE INSERT, UPDATE...