Postgres is the default user present in the PostgreSQL database that is the superuser and has all privileges, while I create a Payal user for demonstration purpose that does not has any privileges. We can check that by firing the following query. Code: SELECT table_schema as schema, table_...
The key word PUBLIC indicates that the privileges are to be granted to all users, including those that may be created later. PUBLIC may be thought of as an implicitly defined group that always includes all users. Any particular user will have the sum of privileges granted directly to him, p...
If a superuser chooses to issue aGRANTorREVOKEcommand, the command is performed as though it were issued by the owner of the affected object. In particular, privileges granted via such a command will appear to have been granted by the object owner. 目前,要在 PostgreSQL 里只对某几列赋予权限...
If a superuser chooses to issue aGRANTorREVOKEcommand, the command is performed as though it were issued by the owner of the affected object. In particular, privileges granted via such a command will appear to have been granted by the object owner. ...
Granting theDBArole is equivalent to making the grantee a superuser. The grantor must be a superuser. Notes TheREVOKEcommand is used to revoke access privileges. When a non-owner of an object attempts toGRANTprivileges on the object, the command will fail outright if the user has no privile...
Granting theDBArole is equivalent to making the grantee a superuser. The grantor must be a superuser. Notes TheREVOKEcommand is used to revoke access privileges. When a non-owner of an object attempts toGRANTprivileges on the object, the command will fail outright if the user has no privile...