In addition, you can run the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement to modify the initial default permissions. Granting a role's or user's permissions to other roles or users Grant a role's or user's permissions to one or more roles or users. In this case, every role or user can be ...
See Section, “REVOKE Statement”. Each account name uses the format described in Section 8.2.4, “Specifying Account Names”. Each role name uses the format described in Section 8.2.5, “Specifying Role Names”. For example: GRANT ALL ON db1.* TO 'jeffrey'@'localhost'; ...
The GRANT statement ( grant_statement) grants privileges for tables, individual columns, roles, and schemas, the SELECT privilege for sequences, and the execution privilege ( EXECUTE privilege) for database procedures or database functions. Structure <grant_statement>::= GRANT <priv_spec>,... ...
The full syntax of the GRANT statement is complex. The previous syntax diagram was simplified to draw attention to its structure. Complete syntax for granting permissions on specific securables is described in the articles listed later in this article....
See Section, “REVOKE Statement”. Each account name uses the format described in Section 8.2.4, “Specifying Account Names”. Each role name uses the format described in Section 8.2.5, “Specifying Role Names”. For example: GRANT ALL ON db1.* TO 'jeffrey'@'localhost'; ...
如果要单独使用,请先自行导入依赖 * * @param sql 原SQL * @return 新SQL */ private String getSql(String sql) { try { // 解析语句 Statement stmt = CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sql); Select selectStatement = (Select) stmt; PlainSelect ps = (PlainSelect) selectStatement.getSelectBody(); // ...
Update data in a table or in a subset of columns in a table. Run a specified function or procedure. Use a sequence generator or a user-defined type. Before you issue a GRANT statement, check that the derby.database.sqlAuthorization property is set to true. The derby.database.sqlAuthoriza...
2)从库通过start slave命令开启复制必要的IO线程和SQL线程 3)从库通过IO线程拿着change master to用户密码相关信息,连接主库,验证合法性 4)从库连接成功后,会根据binlog的pos问主库,有没有比这个更新的 5)主库接收到从库请求后,比较一下binlog信息,如果有就将最新数据通过dump线程给从库IO线程 ...
This form of the GRANT statement grants privileges on schemas. Syntax for GRANT (schema privileges) GRANT ,ALTERINCREATEINDROPIN ON SCHEMA ,schema-name* TO ,authorization-nameROLErole-namePUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION Description for GRANT (schema privileges) ALTERIN Grants the privilege to alter ...
Similarly, having DBADM on DSNDB04 allows access to all tables in all implicitly created databases. However, having a database privilege on DSNDB04 does not allow granting of this privilege on an implicitly created database to others. TO Refer to GRANT statement for a description of the TO ...