backup_history TO 'mysqlbackup'@'localhost'; GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'mysqlbackup'@'localhost'; GRANT SELECT ON performance_schema.replication_group_members TO 'mysqlbackup'@'localhost'; The following additional privileges are required when using MySQL Enterprise Backup 4.1.2 or later ...
I want to grant select on DB in formation_schema to an user, but got the below error. How to grant select privilege on all tables of information_schema to an user ? mysql> grant select on information_schema.* to 'mytest'@'%' identified by 'test1234'; ...
create table table2(id int,score int) insert into table1 select 1,'lee' insert into table1 select 2,'zhang' insert into table1 select 4,'wang' insert into table2 select 1,90 insert into table2 select 2,100 insert into table2 select 3,70 如表 --- table1|table2| --- idname|id...
SQL> select count(1) from a.t3; COUNT(1) --- 3 Oracle 23ai中,Oracle引入了架构级(SCHEMA级别)授权。这允许你以更简单、更直观的方式对整个Schema进行授权。以前的版本中如果需要类似授权操作,需要对schema下面所有表进行grant select on user.table to user2形式授权工作量比较大而且user1中如果新增加表还...
If you want to transfer the privilege, select on a schema's all table , to another schema then you can refer the following PL/SQL scripts.ex:When there are A,F schemas in DB[1]. How to transfer the privilege of select on A schema's all table to F schema?
GRANT{{SELECT|UPDATE|USAGE}[,...]|ALL[PRIVILEGES]}ON{SEQUENCEsequence_name[,...]|ALLSEQUENCESINSCHEMAschema_name[,...]}TO{[GROUP]role_name|PUBLIC}[,...][WITHGRANTOPTION]; Grant the sub-cluster access permission to a specified role or user. Common users cannot performGRANTorREVOKEoperation...
GRANT { SELECT | EXECUTE } ON [ sys. ] system_object TO principal [ ; ] 引數[ sys. ]只有在參考目錄檢視和動態管理檢視時,才需要 sys 限定符。system_object指定要授與其權限的物件。principal指定要對其授與權限的主體。備註此語句可用來授與特定預存程式、擴充預存程式、數據表值函...
SCHEMA_ID (Transact-SQL) SCHEMA_NAME (Transact-SQL) SCOPE_IDENTITY (Transact-SQL) 搜尋條件 (Transact-SQL) SELECT @local_variable (Transact-SQL) SELECT (Transact-SQL) SEND (Transact-SQL) SERVERPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) SESSION_USER (Transact-SQL) ...
ON [ OBJECT :: ] [ schema_name ] . object_name指定正在授與權限的物件。 若指定 schema_name,則 OBJECT 片語為選擇性。 如果使用 OBJECT 片語,則需要範圍限定詞 (::)。 若未指定 schema_name,則會使用預設結構描述。 若指定 schema_name,則結構描述範圍限定詞 (.) 是必要項目。
Solved: Hi Team, I have an issue, where i want to grant a select on particular view in SYS schema to a user. Now the problem is that SYS user would be deactivated right