To grant READ on directory bfile_dir to user hr, with the GRANT OPTION, issue the following statement: Copy GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY bfile_dir TO hr WITH GRANT OPTION; Granting Object Privileges on a Table to a User: Example To grant all privileges on the table oe.bonuses, which was cr...
GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY bfile_dir TO hr WITH GRANT OPTION; ユーザーに対して表へのオブジェクト権限を付与する例: 次の文は、ユーザーhrに対して、oe.bonuses表(「表へのマージ例:」で作成)についてのすべての権限をGRANT OPTION付きで付与します。 GRANT ALL ON bonuses TO hr WITH GRANT...
...GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY bfile_dir TO hr WITH GRANT OPTION; 系统角色的权限 select * from dba_sys_privs where 1.8K20 关于WITH ADMIN OPTION和WITH GRANT OPTION A@>GRANT CREATE SESSION TO b; Grant succeeded...CREATE SESSION TO a; Grant succeeded...HR@
...GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY bfile_dir TO hr WITH GRANT OPTION; 系统角色的权限 select * from dba_sys_privs where 1.8K20 MySQL的skip-grant-tables 看到一些教程,说在首次配置时,可以在配置文件my.ini中设置skip-grant-tables参数, skip-grant-tables 顾名思义,该命令作用是跳过授权表,就是说谁都能...
GRANT { { READ | WRITE | ALTER | DROP } [, ...] | ALL [PRIVILEGES] } ON DIRECTORY directory_name [, ...] TO { [GROUP] role_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [WITH GRANT OPTION]; Grant the package permission to a role. GRANT { { EXECUTE | ALTER | DROP | COMMENT } [, .....
When I look at the files, they are marked as unaccessible to me; not even read access. So, when Memeo is trying to read from that Users directory, it is only backing up those directories and files for which it has, at least, read access. Am I missing something? Thanks...Jim ...
1153 errors after performing the Server 2012 schema update on a 2008 domain 1694 error - "Active Directory Domain Services could not update the following object with an attribute value change received from the following source directory service" after adding "Manager" (under Organization Tab) to us...
{CREATE|DROP|READ|WRITE} }ONDIRECTORY dirnameTO{ username }[WITHGRANTOPTION]GRANT{SELECT|ALL[PRIVILEGES]}ONsequencenameTO{ username|groupname|PUBLIC}[,...][WITHGRANTOPTION]GRANT{EXECUTE|ALL[PRIVILEGES]}ONFUNCTIONprogname([[argmode][argname]argtype][,...])TO{ username|groupname|PUBLIC}[,....
Active Directory 应用程序配置 应用平台 应用服务 证明 授权 Azure VMware 解决方案 Batch 必应自动建议 更改分析 认知服务 认知服务 通信 计算 概述 管理 资源管理 - 计算 概述
The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only. Type:String Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -Includes Condition sets that are included in this permission grant policy. Automatically expanded on GET. To construct, see ...